• Thursday
  • 15:00
  • NOVA

There is a certain kind of calmness to Lucky Lo’s music, even though her soundscapes are occasionally grand and bombastic. Her mission is to unite people and cultivate feelings of community with her lyrics and melodies and she accomplishes this by displaying her lovely indie pop songs on the stage.

Lo Esraes is originally from Sweden but has brought together some of the best musicians in neighboring Denmark under her stage name Lucky Lo. In 2021, she released the laid-back indie pop nugget “Supercarry” as her debut single, which also became the title of her first album the year after. It received 5 out of 6 stars from Danish music magazine GAFFA. The same accolades were given to her sophomore record The Big Feel, which included a grandiose song of the same name along with the dreamy and touching “Through the Eyes of a Woman” and “Alla Tanker På En Gång”, a captivating love song in Esraes’ native language. 

Lucky Lo’s songs encompass everything from the most complex human feelings to reflections on contemporary subjects like gender equality, mental health, and climate change. For this, she deservedly won Talent of the Year at “Carl Prisen”, an award show hosted by the Danish association of music publishers paying homage to the best songwriters, composers, and writers.